Dr. David Montgomery’s Videos and Books… a must listen and read…

Welcome to our June 2017 SoilMatrix Newsletter – “Dr. David Montgomery’s Videos and Books”

It’s amazing how the summer months fly by!  This SoilMatrix Newsletter will be very short, I promise.

Here is what the SoilMatrix Garden looked like on June 29, 2017.

As you can see, we have a relatively good start with the romaine lettuce, kale, swiss chard, green and yellow beans, and peas.   The potatoes are developing very nicely in the back and the zucchini is doing well next to the romaine. All in all we are quite happy with this year’s experimental use of compost only for nutrients. This garden is receiving no chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides and as little city of Calgary water as possible. We are attempting to bring the soil health up to a level where all of these services are happening below ground level via our soil life food web friends.

In this newsletter I only will introduce to you a person who has become my favorite author — Dr. David Montgomery. Last month I told you that I had just skimmed his most recent book, “Growing a Revolution – Bringing our Soil Back to Life”. Now I have taken the time to really read it and watch a couple of videos where David gives a summary of his most recent books.

The first lecture by Dr. David Montgomery is about the soil food web specifically.   You can find it here (warning, it is just over one hour in length…)


The full book on this topic is available here:


The second lecture is about a revolution in farming and gardening methods where the use of three principle practices are regenerating farm and garden soils back to life with higher soil organic carbon content that is stimulating beneficial microbes back into making soils more highly productive and resilient to drought, pests, and disease. You can find it here (again, you will need about an hour to listen to this entire lecture…)


This book can be found here:


Given these two informative videos, the books they summarize, and the time it will take you to digest them — that is all I have to share for this month.

There will be a lot more to share as the garden progresses into producing fruit through the summer. July will probably see the most significant change in the appearance of the garden, and then August will see most of the fruit being filled and ripened… if all goes well. The raspberry bushes in our back alley are seeing their best season ever.

See you at the end of July.

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